A default configuration is used to initially create your StatusHub web site and will appear similar to what is shown below. However, the appearance may be changed by editing appearance settings.
The name of the company, services, and analytic data will be displayed within the dashboard for each status website. Click on the Edit (Pencil) option located above the service and integration information to access a status website’s configuration.
Several choices are available for managing the hub and each is listed within the left panel. To customise the appearance of a hub website, click on Appearance.
Theme & History View
The first displayed theme is the “default theme” for a status website. The currently selected theme will be highlighted in blue and is displayed on the right of the available theme choices once selected. Click on another theme to make a selection and to preview it within the configuration.
An option is also provided at the bottom of the theme selections to input a specific color for your theme. The current entry is black; however, you may click on the color number value and choose another color in the provided pop-up color selection window.
* With the new design we can upload your custom background photo. Right now this is a manual process on our side. Please contact support.
Below the custom color selection, you will see options for the History View of the status website. The default selection is List of Services, which is included in the preview of the status website below the image.
You may also choose to provide a Calendar View or No History within the status website. The preview will change based on the selected option.
Adding A Logo. Favicon, or Status Page Description
You may add more details to the status website such as a logo or description. To add a Logo or Favicon, click on Choose File and then select the appropriate file. The Logo image should not exceed 1,000 x 1,000 pixels.
Note: Favicons also have sizing and design restriction, but are added and removed in the same manner.
The Logo will appear in the top left of the StatusHub page in place of the Hub name, as shown below:
It will also appear right below the Hub name when viewing your status hub information on the Dashboard. The logo will also be displayed in notification emails sent to subscribers.
To delete the Logo, access the Appearance configuration again, click on the Delete Logo checkbox next to the image thumbnail, and then click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen.
The status page description may be used to provide additional information to viewers. Click on the text field and then enter the desired text. Remember to click Save Changes once all desired changes have been made.
The description will appear to the left of the services information and can be used to convey a desired message to your viewers.
Adding a Menu Item
A Menu Item may be added to your status website as well. The Menu Item URL is where the viewer will be directed to after they click on the menu item and should be a valid URL. The Menu Item Label is the text that will appear for the menu on the status website.
Click on Save Changes at the bottom of the Appearance configuration to save this change to your status website. The menu item will appear at the top right of the status website to the left of the Subscribe option. Viewers will be directed to the configured URL when clicking on this menu item.
Additional Options
You will see several checkbox options underneath the menu item configuration within the Appearance configuration for a StatusHub page. Items with a checkmark are currently enabled.
- Show Uptime Chart - This option will display an uptime chart at the bottom of the status page. It is disabled (unchecked) by default;
- Enable Monthly Reports - This option may be enabled to receive monthly reports for the status website. It is disabled (unchecked) by default;
- Remove StatusHub Branding - This option removes any StatusHub branding from the status website. It is disabled (unchecked) by default. This is only available on certain plans;
- Show Platform Alerts - This option is enabled by default. When enabled, platform wide alerts will be displayed on the status website.
The next two options underneath Hub Switcher may be used to display the hub switcher on your StatusHub page. More information for enabling these options can be found on this support page: Hub Switcher.
Changing Service Status Names
The Service Status Names appear both within the StatusHub and let viewers know the status of each service or integration. While default names are provided, you may click on each field and enter a different name for one or more service statuses. Click on Save Changes to save the entered information.
We hope this information has been helpful for customising the appearance of your status websites. As always, please contact support with any other questions regarding these customisation options.
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