Maintenance Reminder allows customers to schedule additional notifications to be sent ahead of a maintenance event start time to inform subscribers about upcoming service disruptions.
Create new maintenance:
Click Scheduled notification and choose the right value
You can add a second notification by simply clicking on Add another scheduled notification
Please note that reminders cannot be scheduled in the past. If the event starts in 45 minutes, the earliest reminder that can be sent is 30 minutes before the event. If you set the date to upcoming Saturday, it won't let you choose invalid options like 1 week or 2 weeks before. Notifications times in the past appear grey and cannot be selected.
Setting the option “Send immediate notification to subscribers” to No causes only the first, immediate notification (“New Maintenance”) to be suppressed. Any scheduled notifications will be sent.
Please contact us if you would like to enable 'Maintenance Reminder' for your hub.
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