What is Draft Mode?
Draft Mode is a new StatusHub feature that allows an incident or maintenance event to be created as a draft. When in Draft Mode, it can only be viewed in the control panel and no notifications are sent to subscribers. Control panel team members of the hub will receive an email stating a draft has been created. The draft may be reviewed by team members and saved as a draft as many times as needed before being published.
Draft Mode allows sensitive information to be reviewed prior to sending notifications. Technical language may also be reviewed and put into more understandable wording for end users. And it allows all team members to collaborate easily.
Creating a Draft (Incidents and Maintenance Events)
An incident or maintenance event may be created as a draft by completing the following steps. Use the Add Incident or Add Maintenance buttons on the Dashboard.
Next, enter the details for the event and click on the Create as Draft option at the bottom of the form.
You will be returned to the Dashboard after saving the draft. Each affected service will have a grey incident (triangle) or maintenance (wrench) icon to show that a draft has been saved.
Team members belonging to this hub will receive an email similar to the one shown below. This email informs each member that a draft has been created. It provides specific details about the draft including the name, status, message, and affected services. Team members may click on the Visit Dashboard link to sign in, review, and approve the draft.
Note: The above images show how to complete these steps when creating an incident. The process of creating a draft is the same for maintenance events.
Editing Drafts
A grey icon will appear next to each affected service when a draft has been saved. Hover the mouse over one of these icons to see the draft name. Click on the icon to make changes to a draft.
The Edit Form will appear for the incident or maintenance event. After all changes have been made, options are provided at the bottom of the form: create, resave, or cancel. Click Create Incident or Save Maintenance to publish and send out subscriber notifications if applicable.
If the draft still requires additional review and revisions, click on Resave as Draft. This will save the incident or maintenance event as a draft again for further review. Another email will be sent with updated information regarding the draft. Click Cancel to exit without making changes.
Note: Once all revisions have been made, create the incident or save the maintenance event to publish and send out notifications.
Discarding Drafts
Sometimes a draft may be created and then not needed. Drafts may be discarded within the incident and maintenance history. To access history, click on the History (Clock) option within the Dashboard.
Click on the appropriate option within the left panel: Incident History or Maintenance History. The Incident history will be selected by default. The draft will appear automatically as shown below.
Three options are provided underneath the Actions Column for the draft. These options may be used to view the incident or maintenance history (revisions), make changes, and delete the draft. Click on the Trash Can to discard the draft.
A message will appear at the top of the screen to show the deletion was successful. The draft icon will no longer appear within the Dashboard as well.
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