In StatusHub you can create Labels for your events’ templates in order to have a more organized view when selecting to use a template for an event.
In order to set up Labels for your templates, go to your “Templates” page and choose “Incident templates” or “Maintenance templates” tab in the left menu.
Then, if you want to define a Label for a new template, click on “New” button located in the top right of the page.
Type in the field below “Label” the desired name for your events’ template label. After clicking “Create”, this template will now be tied to the chosen label.
Alternatively, if you just want to create a Label for a template already in use or edit an existing Label, click on the “Update” button (Clipboard Icon) to do this change.
A similar form will appear to update the current template, fill the field below “Label” with the desired label and click on “Update”.
After defining Labels for your events’ templates, they will now appear on the template’s dropdown menu when creating a new incident or maintenance.
After selecting the desired “Label” you will be able to choose any template tied to that label.
Note that if you do not have any labels defined, the option “Select Label” will not appear. Instead, the templates’ dropdown menu will show you directly your unlabeled templates without asking you for selecting a label.
In this case, if there are no labels defined, “Select Label” option will not appear.
As always please feel free to contact support with any further questions regarding template labels within StatusHub.
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