When you experience unexpected downtime or disruption to a service, you will communicate this to your customers on your StatusHub using incidents. These incidents should describe the following:
- What the identified issue is
- What you are doing about it
- When you expect the problem to be resolved
As you are working towards a resolution, it is best practice to update the incident so that your customers and end users are aware that you have identified the issue and are working towards a resolution or whether you need to monitor the issue further.
An incident can have one of four statuses depending on the current state of the problem. Incidents may also be set for single or multiple services. It is possible to choose one or more service groups, services across more than one group, or individual services when creating and/or updating an incident. Available options are discussed below.
Working with Incidents in StatusHub
To create a new incident within StatusHub, click on the Add Incident (Triangle with Exclamation Point) button located in the top right of the StatusHub main dashboard.
To edit an existing incident, click on the Edit Incident (Triangle with Exclamation Point) option located at the right of a service to make updates.
The Add Incident (or Update Incident) form will appear on the screen and can be used to set up an incident for one or multiple services as well as groups of services.
Note: The entry and selection options are the same whether adding an incident or updating one within StatusHub.
Incident Configuration Options
Title - The title of the incident should be a name that is representative of the issue as-a-whole. Examples of titles include: "DB Connectivity Issues", "API Requests Timing Out", and "DNS Issues".
Start Time - This should ideally be the time that the incident started. The information ensures customers are aware of the length of time that service has been affected. If this is not possible, then setting this to the time you are posting the update is the next best option. Note: this may be updated in the future if you need to adjust for ensuring correct data in relation to SLAs.
Message - When creating or updating an incident, you are also able to provide a brief message explaining the current situation. Note: This field has a rich text editor.
Incident Status - Incidents are able to have one of four distinct statuses. When creating or updating an incident, you will specify which of the states the incident is currently in:
- Investigating - This status is best when you are seeing the symptoms of an issue, but are unaware of the cause.
- Identified - This option is best when you have found the cause of the incident and are working on a fix for the problem
- Monitoring - This option is best when you believe you have successfully fixed the issue and are waiting for the symptoms and or impact to subside.
- Resolved - The cause of the issue has been eliminated and your systems are back to 100% performance.
Choose Affected Groups and Services - This option is used to select the services this incident has affected. You may choose a single service, one or more groups of services, or services belonging to different groups. After at least one service or group is selected, you will be able to choose the status of each service.
[image 5]
Service Statuses - Services can use one of three distinct statuses. When creating or updating an incident, you will specify which of the states the service is currently in (see image below):
- Service Disruption - The service is currently unavailable and cannot be accessed.
- Performance Issues - The service is experiencing issues and full functionality may not be available, but the service is still accessible.
- Operating Normally - The service fully operational at the moment.
Note: For more information about multi-service incidents, please see Managing Incidents Across Multiple Services.
Do not send notifications - This option allows you to post the update to your status page but prevents your subscriber's from receiving a notification via their chosen method. It is disabled (unchecked) by default and must be checked for notifications to NOT be sent to subscribers.
If you have any questions or feedback related to "Incidents Overview", please contact our support team.
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